The Scholastic Book Fair is coming September 26-30, 2022! Check out our homepage for all the details on the Fair and the convenience of ewallet payments!

Second Graders at Ox Bow have been learning the characteristics of Fairy Tales and Tall Tales. Today students came to school dressed as some characters they have been reading about and enjoyed some colossal flapjacks.

This week in their STEM special, students are working with their peers to build a tall tower. Just look at the collaboration of these kindergarten students in Mr. Yoder's STEM class! #ConcordPride

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program has several workshops planned this fall to support Concord families! To register, go online to https://elkhartcountyparents.org or call 574-226-0160. #ConcordPride

Our classrooms and hallways might be a little more empty than usual this time of
year, but there's still great work happening within our buildings each day by our
awesome team of custodial staff! The work of our custodians to ensure our buildings sparkle and shine is under-recognized, but incredibly appreciated!
This department of hard-working superhumans is in need of some support! We're
currently in the market for 2nd shift custodians at Ox Bow, East Side, CJHS and CHS (a total of eight open positions). Please help us spread the word about these openings by sharing this link: https://bit.ly/CCScustodial
Our custodians need your help to grow their team! #ConcordPride

Congratulations to CHS seniors and Ox Bow 4th Graders! We are proud of YOU!

Field Day 2022
The 4th graders are leading the stations! #Impressive

Ox Bow celebrated the end of the year with a dance party on Monday. Thanks, DJ Sticky Boots for playing some great tunes!

We are extremely proud of our 4th Grade Kiwanis K.i.D. award winner Christian Carbajal Davila. He is a responsible, caring and hard working student. Way to Go!

These students received the Leader in Excellence Award in May for Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw #BalanceFeelsBest.

Looking for a FUNomenal summer of adventure?
Children ages 5 to 12 will enjoy weekly theme-based activities designed to be FUN and strengthen their academic skills. Days will be filled with friendship, games and fun challenges designed to keep kids learning, active and engaged throughout the summer break. All field trips and activities are included in the weekly fee.
Registrations for the 1st week of KidsCare Summer Program at Concord South Side are due by May 20th!
More info: https://www.greatfutures.club/become-a-member-summer

Students from Concord Ox Bow and Concord South Side launched a weather balloon on Friday!
Learn more: https://wsbt.com/news/local/fourth-grade-students-launch-weather-balloon
The weather balloon climbed to an altitude of more than 100,000 feet before popping and landing in Lake Michigan, nearly 10 miles off the short of St. Joe, where the Coast Guard helped retrieve the rig.
Learn more about the recovery mission: https://www.abc57.com/news/concord-schools-weather-balloon-lands-in-lake-michigan
Excellent work to all involved in this super science project! #ConcordPride

Successful Weather Balloon Launch. We stopped for lunch and will resume our search soon!

Leadership Day was a Success!

Ox Bow Student -Led Conference Day. It was a great day!

Leadership Day was a success! Students had a chance to share about their learning with a VIP. #GREATDAYATOXBOW

These students received the Leader in Excellence Award in April for Habit 6, Synergize #TogetherisBetter.

These students are Heart Heroes! On Monday night at the School Board Meeting they shared the good news that Ox Bow raised $7777 for the American Heart Challenge. These students were our top fundraiser! #LeadersInAction!

These students received the Leader in Excellence Award in March for Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood #Listenbeforeyoutalk.

Turn your curious kids (grades K-6) into innovative thinkers this summer at Camp Invention at Concord Ox Bow!
Camp will take place the week of June 13-17 and spots are running out! Secure your spot today and save $15 by using SUM15! at invent.org/mylocalcamp. #ConcordPride