We enjoyed hearing the band and orchestra from Concord Intermediate School. There were even some former South Side students performing for us. Thank you, CIS!💚💚
about 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
We are counting down the days until the Spring Fest on Saturday. The fun starts at 2pm and ends at 5pm. Take a look at who is coming! We spy food, fun, games, and even opportunities to visit with some animal friends. What are you looking forward to at the Spring Fest on Saturday? Staff Edition:
about 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
Mrs. Martin's class knows what time it is! It's our learning time!
about 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
thumbs up
Exciting News: Today starts our Scholastic Book Fair!!! Your student will shop on their library day AND you'll have an opportunity to shop with them while attending the South Side Spring Fest on Saturday, May 6 from 2-5pm. Check out our Fourth Grade students volunteering their recess time to help our Kindergarten students fill out the Book Wish Lists. We love our South Side Community! #southsiderocks #ConcordPride
about 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
Students 2
Students 3
Have you received information about the BOOK FAIR next week? Your student is bringing home information in their communication folders. Your student will shop on their library day AND you'll have an opportunity to shop with them while attending the South Side Spring Fest on Saturday, May 6 from 2-5pm. Our Spring Fest will have lots of free games, local businesses and stations, as well as food vendors, a dunk tank (CASH ONLY-3 throws for $5!) and more.
about 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
Book Fair
Happening Now: Check out our South Side students presenting beautiful pieces at the 2023 Concord Art Show.💚 We saw South Side students from the past and present at the show. Congratulations! We are so proud of you! A special thanks to our talented Art teacher, Mrs. Hovan💚
over 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
South Side enjoyed meeting our incoming Kinder students this week at Kindergarten Round Up. Welcome class of 2036! We can't wait to see you again in August!! 💚 #southsiderocks
over 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
kinder teachers
new Kinder
bus visit
new Kinder 3
Library visits
staff welcoming
new Kinder 2
new Kinder 4
family welcoming
Concord Kindergarten Roundup is NEXT WEEK! East Side and Ox Bow will be held April 19, and South Side and West Side will be held April 20. Both events will be held from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Save time by enrolling your child online today at www.concordschools.com/enroll! #ConcordPride
over 1 year ago, Concord Schools
kindergarten enrollment
Confidence, creativity and friendship are what Camp Invention is all about! Save $15 when you register your child for STEM summer learning at Concord Ox Bow. You won’t want to miss this! Use SUM15 to save. More info: invent.org/mylocalcamp
over 1 year ago, Concord Schools
STEM camp
Mark your post-Spring Break calendars! The next free Triple P Parent Night is at Concord East Side on Thursday, April 13, at 6:00 p.m. The topic is strategies to help children (ages 2-12) cope with stress and disappointment. Child care will be provided! #ConcordPride
over 1 year ago, Concord Schools
triple p
Triple p
Mark your post-Spring Break calendars! The next free Triple P Parent Night is at Concord East Side on Thursday, April 13, at 6:00 p.m. The topic is strategies to help children (ages 2-12) cope with stress and disappointment. Child care will be provided! #ConcordPride
over 1 year ago, Concord Schools
triple p
Triple P
Four of our fabulous fourth graders recently received a “Knowledge is Dynamite” award from the Kiwanis Club of Elkhart! From left, Kayiona Talley (South Side), Sajia Henagan (East Side), Cynthia Guzman (Ox Bow), and Perla Navarro (West Side). Each school nominated a student to receive the award. ABOUT THE AWARD "‘Knowledge is Dynamite" is an award that celebrates a child’s realization that education and hard work is a GOOD thing, that effort in the classroom and work at home bring accomplishment, that learning and knowledge has so much potential power it is like the explosive dynamite. We honor kids that are good leaders, who are kind, respectful, hard-working, diligent and an overall great kid. This may not be the child that gets the best grades or is picked first at recess for a game, but this is someone that makes the teachers day a good one, even on the bad days, and someone that you would all be proud to represent your school outside of your walls.
over 1 year ago, Concord Schools
fourth graders
Thank you Dr. Kendall, Ms. Warren, Ms. McGuire and Ms. Towner for reading to our 2nd graders today. We were excited to have you. Happy National Reading Month!! 💚#southsiderocks💚
over 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
We had a wonderful month celebrating Kindness in February. We filled each other's buckets with kind words and gestures. Congratulations to Mr. Faus. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Williams for winning the Golden Heart awards. A special THANK YOU to Ms. Sawyer and her team for the awesome activities and displays. 💚💚 #southsiderocks
over 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
The Energy Well in Goshen is partnering with Concord Community Schools to offset student lunch debt! Concord supporters can use the link below to purchase a $10 ticket and go to the Energy Well on Saturday, March 11, to spend your ticket on a smoothie, tea, bomb, or coffee (or, if you aren't in town that day, you can gift it to a loved one)! For every $10 spent, the Energy Well will donate $4 to cover the cost of student meal debt. https://form.jotform.com/230445172189053 We are deeply appreciative of the support of community partners like the Energy Well -- and grateful for your support of this initiative! #ConcordPride
over 1 year ago, Concord Schools
student lunch debt
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The next Triple P night is Thursday, March 2 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Concord Junior High and the topic is Setting Healthy Screen Time Guidelines. Childcare will be provided!
over 1 year ago, Concord Schools
Triple P Flyer_English
Triple P Flyer_Spanish
We take every opportunity to allow our students to learn new skills. Thank you Elmarion for helping Ms. Loupee share our morning announcements. Your public speaking skills are growing and we are honored to watch you grow. At South Side, we believe we can do WE WILL!💚💚
over 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
South Side Kindergarten students closed out their unit on Kings and Queens today. We've never seen a better looking group of royalty. We are so proud to watch our students learn at high levels in the classroom. What a great way to cap our learning. Go South Side!
over 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
Child bowing
Kinder Teachers
bowing principal
Class at table
South Side wins the, "I LOVE TO READ CHALLENGE" Thank you for your votes and support. If you missed the celebration and visit to our school you can click the link below to watch. https://wsbt.com/news/local/leanne-tokars-visits-concord-south-side-elementary-school#
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Loupee
I Love to Read Challenge
Happening now!! Anne’s Kits 2023 Excited to have our families and volunteers join us for the next 3 weeks. 📚📓✏️📝🏫
over 1 year ago, Seianna McCray
Teacher and families